Sunday, August 23, 2009

And We're Off.......

Summer is over and we're off to school, TOMORROW to be exact! Sad for the kids, but happy times for the parents! It has been a busy summer for the Carters. Which I am sure you all have noticed since I haven't posted anything in a while. Both Lnz and Chris started practice the first of August, so it has been busy. Chris has 6 day practices and Lnz has been going to 4 or 3 day practices. This coming up Friday Lnz will have her first football game half time performance. I am excited for her. It's an out of town game, but I am still going to see her first game. She has been doing really good. Hard to believe she is growing up and Chris too. They have changed so much this summer. Both of their birthdays are coming up. Chris will be 12 and Lnz 16!! YEP, 16! DRIVING - SCARY! She has been doing good on her driving, just dread the increase in the insurance. Teenage drivers - gotta love them!

Here is a short recap of the summer. June Roger left to work in Louisiana on June 1st. Lnz went to dance basic camp the second week. The third week Lnz went to Kingwood to help at her aunt Sherri's church's VBS and Chris went to G's and Pop's. On June 26th Seth and Courtney had their second child. A boy - Emmett.

July Lnz and Chris went to G's and Pop's for the first week. Chris had football camp the third week and Justin Gonzales (Lnz and Chris' cousin) came down from Winnsboro, LA to visit us.

The last week in July Lnz went to her second drill camp for the week in Kerrville, TX. Then on June 29th Roger's dog (Sofie) had her puppies.

August Lnz started her drill practice the first week and is still having it 3 to 4 times a week. Chris got to pick up his football equipment on the 15th and started his practice on the 17th and having 6 day practices. We are not sure what position he will be playing, once I find out I will let you all know. My aunt Mary had her 50th birthday party on the 21st! Happy Birthday MJ! Then school starts on the 24th!

WOW what a summer! It sure went by fast. Now that school starts, it make Christmas come faster. Hope everyone had a great summer and didn't get too hot. For those of you going back to school, I hope you have a great school year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very useful article keep up the good work.
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